Welcome to Cultive Tech: Empowering Cannabis Growers with SMART Growing Solutions

RP 2040 microcontroller
RP 2040 microcontroller
© Cultive Tech

Cultive Tech is an ambitious pre-seed startup driven by the vision of revolutionizing indoor cannabis cultivation. Our mission is to provide cutting-edge automation, monitoring, and IoT SMART technologies that empower growers to maximize the potential of their plants, ensuring optimal growth and harvest yields.

Understanding the needs of your plant

At the heart of our work lies a deep understanding of the unique needs of cannabis plants. We firmly believe that successful cultivation begins with precise monitoring and personalized care. While we are still in the early stages, our PoC (Proof of Concept) device installed in our lab exemplifies our commitment to innovation. It provides crucial environmental factors for live monitoring, such as air temperature, humidity, and soil moisture, while promptly sending alerts when necessary.


Imagine a world where you receive real-time alerts and reminders tailored to your plant's requirements. No more worrying about watering schedules or guessing if the temperature is too high or too low. Cultive Tech's intuitive system keeps you informed, ensuring your plants receive the attention they deserve. Whether on a weekend getaway or gripped in your daily routine, our SMART solutions enable you to stay connected with your crop and make informed decisions at every growth stage.

RP 2040 microcontroller
RP 2040 microcontroller in Cultive Lab
© Cultive Tech

Our Growing Solutions

Our comprehensive suite of SMART growing solutions includes a user-friendly mobile app and a range of IoT devices specifically designed for cannabis cultivation. From wireless sensors that monitor crucial environmental parameters to automated controls that adjust lighting and irrigation systems, our products seamlessly integrate into your cultivation setup, creating a harmonious ecosystem that optimizes plant health and productivity.

Achieve Your Cultivation Goals

As a pre-seed startup, we are more than just a technology company. We are a community of passionate growers, researchers, and industry experts dedicated to empowering and supporting your cultivation journey. Although we are still in the early phases, we are committed to exceptional customer service, providing the necessary resources, knowledge, and guidance to achieve your cultivation goals.

Unlock the True Potential of Your Plants

Join us in the cannabis-growing revolution. Experience the power of automation, monitoring, and SMART technologies that elevate your cultivation practices and unlock the true potential of your plants. Cultive Tech is here to empower you every step of the way.