Calculate the Perfect Distance for Your MarsHydro TS-1000 Lights

Achieve the best results for your indoor garden when using MarsHydro TS-1000, MarsHydro TSW-2000, or MarsHydro TS-3000 grow lights. The MarsHydro TS series offers excellent LED grow lights for indoor plants that cover the entire light spectrum. This bestselling range of MarsHydro lights provides the ideal amount of PAR with plenty of blue and red light to stimulate photosynthesis from seedling to harvest. The patented reflective cover reduces light scattering and boosts light intensity, making it energy-efficient. Determine the perfect span between the light fixture and the canopy to ensure your plants receive optimal lighting. Our easy-to-use calculator can help you effortlessly calculate the ideal distance to suit the specific requirements of your setup.

Customization Options

Our calculator offers key customisation options to fine-tune your lighting setup. You can adjust the distance between the lights and the canopy, select the dimming percentage you want and specify the light cycle. This level of control gives you the precision and flexibility to optimise light levels for different growth stages and setup specifics.

Accurate Distance Calculation

Our calculator uses the manufacturer's PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density) chart and your chosen parameters to determine the perfect spacing for your MarsHydro TS 1000 lamps. By taking into account the detailed needs of your growth plan and setup, you can ensure that they receive the optimum light intensity at each growth stage, resulting in healthier plants and better yields.

Mars-Hydro fixture in the Cultive Lab
Mars-Hydro fixture in the Cultive Lab
© Cultive Tech

Maximize Growth Potential

Calculate the perfect distance between your MarsHydro TS series light fixture and the canopy to attain uniform lighting. This helps to promote photosynthesis, improve nutrient uptake and encourage vigorous growth. Whether you're growing photoperiod or auto-flower strain, our calculator will help you unlock the full growth potential of your indoor garden.


Ensure optimal growth of your plants by using our intuitive calculator to determine the ideal distance between your MarsHydro TS series lights and the canopy. By adjusting the height, dimming percentage and light cycle, you can create a customised lighting environment that maximises your plants' potential. The result is healthier plants, higher yields and the satisfaction of having an indoor garden that thrives under the precise lighting conditions provided by the MarsHydro TS series lights.